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Billy Scarlet Introduction

Hello everybody! This is the intro to my upcoming story Billy Scarlet. It’s the story of a girl was sent out on an adventure. Not knowing what that adventure was, Billy and her companions set out to sea to discover their true purpose, but they never expected to discover they weren’t exactly who they thought they were.


Of all the people that fate could have chosen for this story it chose me, the bastard child of a pirate and a governor’s daughter.

You see, my father was a pirate named Billy Scarlet. His rightful surname is unknown, I guess. He took on the name Scarlet for one reason and one reason only. Sometimes I think that the reason he did it was to mess up my life, but no, he took on the name Scarlet long before I was born. He’s called Scarlet because that is the color of his eyes, and I was scarred by that in two ways. For starters I got the name, which meant that everyone knew he was my father, but worst of all, I got the eyes. I was told that my mother couldn’t keep me after she saw me. I betrayed everything she had worked so hard to hide. If I had’ve gotten blue eyes like her then she would have kept me, but when all was said and done I was too much of a giveaway to who my father was and heaven forbid she get disgraced for it all.

Before she gave me away to a church on an island in the Barbados that took on orphans, she gave me a name. That name was Sabilla or well, Billy Scarlet, then she left me to deal. The head mistress of the church, Mistress Lora, told me that my mother said that she hoped that we would meet again someday. Personally, I never cared to see someone who birthed me, but didn’t care enough about me to raise me.

At the church there were about thirty other kids. The people that worked at the church tried to teach all of us things like manners and how to be ladies and gentlemen. Most of the kids did pretty good, but there were some exceptions. Among them were me, a boy named Davy Mitchems and a girl named Clara Honeycut.

None of us could stay out of trouble. We could never keep our minds on what we were doing. No matter what we did or how hard we tried, we always had our heads in the clouds, as Mistress Lora would say.

It wasn’t our fault really. There were enough distractions to feed our imaginations was all. You see, the church was in a harbor and there were men coming off of warships all the time, and they would tell us stories of their adventures and their lives at sea. After hearing the stories all we could do was sit and daydream about living as sailors.

All the three of us could think about was a life at sea. Though, it wasn’t normal for women to be on board a ship. However, me and Clara wanted to see what life on a ship was like, and we were always getting in trouble for it. As a matter of fact, the way that the three of us became friends was we met in the room that the church ladies would put us in if we got in trouble. They said that young ladies had no business thinking about living on ship full of men. It was improper for women to live among men in such a way. Women were supposed to be mothers and keepers of the house, not sailors. It was not at all how ladies should act and we needed to get it out of our heads, as we were told daily by Mistress Lora. We tried for a while to act like proper young ladies, but that didn’t work for us at all, so it was off to the room with us, more often than not.

I spent about half of my childhood in that room and the other half I spent doing things to get put into that room. I couldn’t believe that they kept putting me in there, because such a punishment never stopped me from getting in trouble. It’s not that I meant to get in trouble, it was just that I would sit and stare into the harbor while I was supposed to be in class or doing chores and I was never alone at doing this. Either Clara or Davy would be with me every time, but a lot of the time it was all three of us.

The room was nothing but a dark little closet. There was one window and one door and nothing else but a few long forgotten spider webs that hung limply from the ceiling. The window gave us a good view of the harbor which kind of defeated the purpose of putting us in the room in the first place. Mistress Lora put us in the room to keep us from thinking up crazy ideas about going to sea, but all we could do in the room was stare down into the harbor below.

Me, Clara and Davy spent at least two hours a day, four to six days a week in that room. But I didn’t mind being in the room with them because they were two of the three people that would look me in the eye for more than a few seconds. The fact that I was so different never bothered them in the slightest way. Even when we first started getting to know each other it didn’t startle them at all, like it did with just about everybody else, but we had been very young and it seems that children accept things better when they are younger than they do as they grow up.

The third person that never seemed to be bothered by my eyes, was an old man that worked for the church, named Garth McHale. He was a Scottish man and he was like a father to me. As a matter of fact he was the closest thing to a father that the three of us ever had. He was an older man who was slick bald and he had a crescent shaped scar on his left cheek. I had asked him about the scar once and he told me that it was a long story that even he could not fully explain and all he could tell me was the he had not been hurt when he got it. This confused me, but I pushed no further.

As I said before, I didn’t mind spending time with any of them, but there was one person that I couldn’t spend more than ten seconds with without getting into a fight with. Whether it was a fist fight or a word fight, we would go at each other every time we were around each other. This person was a girl named Lartha Caine. She seemed to have been put onto this earth to make my life miserable, but then again she probably thought the same thing about me. I know that mistress Lora did. She actually told me that once. I have learned to take insults without being bothered. That was just something that I had to do to survive. One thing that I learned was that in such an age, if one was the child of a pirate, they had to grow up tough, otherwise growing up was not an option.

Now I suppose that I’ll let the story begin. I would say that I’ll begin telling the story, but for a story such as this it will have to begin itself. It’s not something that can be told in such a way as other stories, because no one ever told it. The story told itself long before this beginning. You’ll see what I mean if you care to continue.

Interview with Notperfectbut

Hello everybody! Today I'm doing an interview with the author 
Notperfectbut from wattpad.com.

Q: What genre do you you write in?

A: I write mostly in FanFiction and romantic.

Q: Who or what is you biggest inspirations for your stories?

A: Defiantly, my inspirations come from other stories and movies

Q: When did you first start writing?

A: I started very early, first in third or fourth grade I think.
I loved writing stories and making up worlds and characters back
then, but started to write here at Wattpad last year.

Q: What is your favorite book and author?

A: My favorite.... Till now it is either Ruby Red, which is a story
about time traveling or maybe The Saga of Darren Shan or Core of

Q: What story that you wrote would be your favorite and why? Tell
us a little about it.

A: I think my favorite to now will be "Changed". It is a Sasori
FanFiction (from Naruto) and is about Sasori meeting Mizuki again,
a friend from his horrible childhood. His only friend back then.

Time change people. Pain hurt people. People change. Will they still
be as close to each other?

The reason this is my favorite work is because I still have ideas of
this story, I get inspiration and always have new ideas. The other
stories are more like, I get one idea, then it's gone blank and I do
not know what more to write about.

Q: What would be your advise to a writer who is nervous about
letting others read their work?

A: Read through it yourself! That's the best. Pretend as you do not
know the story, see if others would understand it if they haven't
read it before.

Do not be afraid, just click the bottom! Published, wait and see!
If you do not get comments, continue. The more you write, the more
people will read. They will give you good comments!

I have myself gotten bad comment, but that was after all the great,
happy, lovely comments! Therefore I did not care at all, but if
you're first comment is a negative one, see what the person told you
to improve and try!

Thanks so much! Notperfect has some awesome stories! To read them just
follow this link. http://www.wattpad.com/user/Notperfectbut

And remember to keep and eye out for more news on Billy Scarlet!!

Interview with Terryp

Today I’m interviewing my friend Terryp. He is an awesome writer and has been my friend for years now, helping me with editing my stories. So, here goes:

Q: What genre do you write in?

A: Savannah, whereas I once thought myself more interested 
in Sci Fi stories, somehow I have become a romance writer
by default.

Before Wattpad, I suffered through one romance novel
in which the writer took great pains to describe the
jewelry in detail every time the main female character
changed her clothes.

When I wrote my novel in 2008 for National Novel Writing Month,
it took two weeks to admit to myself that I was writing a love
story. Now all my love stories involve strong women characters.

Women during my Peace Corps days really impressed me.
Without complaining, they willingly endured the same
dangers and privations at we guys did while living in
the jungle in West Africa.

Q: Who or what is you biggest inspirations for your stories?

A: My inspiration comes from an idea or an event. An injustice
in the past caused me to write Songs for Tamar. In fiction, I
bring justice to Tamar, daughter of a King David in the Bible.
She was raped by her half brother and after that lived in

Famine deals with the question of "what if?" What if we
lost religious freedom a century from now in the very country
where modern religious tolerance was born? I used cryogenic
freezing to place my main character in the future where he had
to find the courage to stand up for his convictions.

In 2009, I had a subject: Liberia, where I served as a Peace
Corps teacher at Holy Cross Mission in the jungle village of
Bolahun. So I used my experiences there and wove them into a
love story between two people with a devastating civil war

Q: When did you first start writing?

A: Savannah, do you mean to ask me when did I first start writing
fiction? Clearly when I was a soldier with fifty days' leave on
my hands. I wrote a pencil draft on notebook paper clipped in
a binder. Then I heard of National Novel Writing Month, where
participants try to write a fifty-thousand word novel or more
during November. It took me thirteen days using a Smith-Corona
Galaxy 12 manual typewriter.

I have long since set aside the novelty of the typewriter in favor
of the computer, which is far more practical.

Q: What is your favorite book and author?

A: What is my favorite book and/or author? My favorite authors are
the Bronte sisters: Emily, Charlotte, and Anne Bronte. You gotta
admire three women growing up together and all of them published
a novel. I regret that their lives were so short.

A close second would be Ray Bradbury or Edgar Allan Poe.

Q: What story that you wrote would be your favorite and why? Tell us
a little about it.

A: Among my short stories my favorite one is The Men's Room
Messages in which a jerk named Ted for months follows the mysterious
advice he finds written in restrooms in Denny's Restaurant. His life
changes so much that he and a server, a lovely widow with a daughter,
fall in love. The mystery; who wrote the messages?

My favorite novels are two in which Lisa Doubek and David Rasmussen
appear. First came From Eden to Armageddon: The Tragedy of the
Liberian Civil War. There Lisa is a Peace Corps volunteer at Holy
Cross Mission in Bolahun, in West Africa when she meets David
Rasmussen at the mission airstrip. To David, Lisa is a school marm
who ought to care about her looks. To Lisa, David is a lazy,
complains about his work, and is always bragging about the girls
he slept with.

They are at odds with each other until David makes a sexist remark
to Lisa in the village market. Before hundreds of Africans, she
slaps him silly.

David then apologizes, their relationship begins over again, and
eventually they are in love.

The story turns tragic with the coming of the Liberian Civil War.

During the story, David prepares a romantic candle light dinner
for Lisa on New Year's Eve. David already knows about Lisa's sordid
past, including a porn video she made that broke sales records. But
the girl who sits across from him has long turned her life around,
and David loves her without reservation.

Nevertheless that night Lisa explains to David what he already knows.
She once lived a life of total sexual promiscuity.

David then asks her to marry him.

During National Novel Writing Month in 2012, I chose to write about
Lisa's early life. Because she tells David about her sordid past,
it was necessary to show her during that part of her life that she
was later ashamed of.

So I wrote A Girl Redeemed to show how Lisa begins as a slut but
along the way reaches such a low point that she loathes herself.

She then becomes angelic, someone any guy would be proud to marry.

Q: What would be your advise to a writer who is nervous about letting
others read their work?

A: Most writers here on Wattpad are females between 14 and 20 years of
age. At that age, I was totally frightened at the idea of writing a novel.

But writing is a craft. We all begin somewhere. Few of us can write a
story needing no revision. Although many of them are far more articulate
than others, we all get better as we write more.

While I see frequent grammatical and punctuation errors among writers,
many of them have works are far more popular than mine.

In spite of errors, these young ladies are clearly doing something right!

They key to writing is in revision through self-editing.

For this I recommend the book Self-Editing for Fiction Writers by
Browne and King. It's available in both paperback and in digital form.
I also know that it has been pirated.

It is the best way to avoid the mistakes that beginning writers make
and that agents are quick to notice.

Another thin book is Strunk and White's Manual of Style. When E.B.
White, the author of Stuart Little and Charlotte's Webb, was in
college, he received a small writing book by his Professor William

Years later he was asked to revise it. He made several revisions during
his life, and it has been revised again since his death.

I receive requests now and then to look over people's work on Wattpad,
I never post negative opinions on their message boards. Rather I will
use the PM system instead for serious critiques.

Last, here on Wattpad, I have never before seen so many young writers
who are so conscientious about achieving academic excellence. These
young women are truly amazing.

So good luck to all of you out there. If your success is moderate right
now, give yourselves time.

Your writing will get better.

Thank you so much for your time and advice. If you want to read more of
Terry's work you can find him here http://www.wattpad.com/user/TerryP on
Thanks for reading and if you or anyone you know would like to be
interviewed just let me know!!!

Some more on Billy Scarlet!

Hello everybody! I now have a facebook Page for my brother Zeke and I. He’s my awesome co-writer. So, I have been working some more on the cover and it’s coming along well. Also starting to get things ready for book signings! This is getting really exciting. Here is another bit of the story that you might like to see. 

When I got into the yard I saw Shadowlark standing near the edge of the porch. He stood there for a minute then headed to the barn. I followed him.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

He looked up briefly. “I have to leave.” He led his horse out into the yard. “I know that it’s kind of, out of the blue for me to leave like this, but bad news came on the wind tonight and I must find out if it’s true or not. I pray to God that it’s not.”

“What news?”

“I dare not say it aloud for they may hear me and I don’t want danger to be brought upon you and the others in this house.”

“They?” I asked, confused.

“The Linthrids,” he answered, but I still had no idea what he was talking about. “They are here and they must not hear the news. It is too dangerous for their kind to know this.” He cast a glance toward the path that led to the barn, as if whatever he was speaking of was over there watching us.

For a moment I thought that I saw a shadow pass across the path and I was sure that I heard an odd fizzy clicking noise. It sent chills from the top of my head to my toes. “What are they?”

He did not bother answering and in a way I was glad, for I was not sure I wanted to know. “Don’t look at them,” he said. “I don’t want them coming over here.”

“I don’t see anything,” I told him.

“Good.” He tightened the horses’ saddle. “They are not anything that you will want to see, especially not just before you go to bed. I’m sure that there will come a point when you will be able to see them, but that does not need to be tonight. They will return to our world with more information than they need to already, but it’s best if they do not try to talk to either of us. You need to get back inside. They should be gone after I leave.”

“Can I please come with you?” I asked. “I can be ready in a few minutes.”

I could tell that he was going to say no just by the look on his face. “You need to stay here, but if I’m not back by sun down in three days you must leave.”

“Why?” I asked. “What’s going on?”

Once again, he ignored my questions. “I will find you no matter where you go.”

“So you’re going to leave me too?” I could feel the tears coming back. “You were even going to leave without saying goodbye.”

He stopped what he was doing and faced me. “I called you out here. You may not have heard my voice, but it was because I called you that you woke up and came out here.” He reached up and took the horses reins.

“Shadowlark.” I grabbed his hand. “Please don’t leave me here alone,” I had never felt more pleading in all my life. “Clara is probably going to get married to that man and no one else here really cares about me. I’m begging you, don’t leave me here alone.”

He sighed and looked at me. “Billy, I have to go and you must listen to me. I can’t take you along and I know you don’t understand right now, but you will. Don’t make me answer any questions here. It is not safe, not while they are listening. There are so many things that I wish I could tell you, but those things will show themselves soon enough.” He reached out and stroked my cheek gently.

I nodded and took his hand in mine. He squeezed my hand, then softly kissed my knuckles.

“If you do have to leave I will find you.” He let go of my hand and mounted the horse. “I promise.” He kicked the horse and disappeared into the night.

I hadn’t felt so alone in all my life. I felt tears in my eyes. I just stood there staring into the darkness, but it was no use because he was gone.

More of my drawings

21204_10200334418140944_45990001_n 65644_10200334418620956_1791519524_n 375091_10200334417780935_679028190_n 482511_10200334417020916_223202660_n 935577_10200334416820911_2070558133_n 942596_10200334417220921_1499299248_n 944466_10200334418420951_820718766_n Here are some more book covers that I have drawn. All of these go with books that I have written. In case you can’t read the text on them from top to bottom they are “The Sexy Prince, the Creepy Queen and the Valley of 1000 Midgets” (the one with the castle), “A Prince, a Princess, and a Not So Perfect Knight” (the one with the window and the rose), “The Curse of Laquendor” (the one with the castle and the dagger), “C.R.E.W.”, “Stakes on Life and Death”, “The Mill House”, and “Beyond the Moon”.

“The Curse of Laquendor” is the sequel to my story “Billy Scarlet that will be coming out in the fall. “Stakes on Life and Death” is in a book series that is connected to Billy Scarlet.  I work mostly with charcoal, but I do work with color pencils, photography and I do some work with ink. These pictures were done in charcoal.

So the production of Billy Scarlet is coming along well. I still don’t have an exact date of when it’s going to be released, but as soon as I know I will post it. Right now we are just working on the smaller details.

More about the book cover

DSCN6201 DSCN6202 Here are two book covers that I have been drawing. Of course they have the names on them so you know which one goes for which story, but I haven’t told you at all about “The King’s Men”. It’s a story about a secret organization called “The King’s Men” (not too hard to guess that). They are sworn to protect the family that is in the direct bloodline of a king, from creatures from another world. As you can see by the cover, the “creatures” are a lot like Bigfoot.

Just thought since I posted that cover as well, I’d give you a brief outline of the story. I would just like to know a little bit about what y’all think about them. I believe that a good cover is really important for a story so, I guess the real question is; Would you read a book that had a cover like either of these?

Cover design for Billy Scarlet

Hello everybody! I just wanted to keep everyone up to date on how things are going with Billy Scarlet. Well, in my last post I just gave you the introduction and a small part of what the book is about. Well, I go into a little more about what’s going on with the story. A couple months ago I signed on with the publishing company Ink Smith. They’re really great, helping me work out the kinks in the story to make sure that it’s ready to be published. Right now we are working on ideas for cover design. Yesterday I got in touch with the cover artist George Cotronis. We are going to see what we can come up with. Well, that’s all for now I guess. But while I’m here I figure I’ll give another small piece of the story. A sort of an over view just to see what you think.

“I can feel it in the wind,” he whispered.
“What,” I asked. It always made the hair on my arms prickle when he talked like that.
“Twelve and fifteen,” He muttered. “That’s twenty seven.”
I nodded, but I was terribly confused as to what he meant.
“It’s about to begin.”
Young Billy Scarlet never knew what her life was about. She was the bastard child of a governors daughter and a pirate, but all through her child she felt that there was something more to who she was. Having been raised in an orphanage, by a stern head mistress and an old sailor toughen her up well enough, but it never prepared her for the adventure that awaited her.
After the man that raised her is killed, Billy and her friends Clara and Davy turn to a life at sea as ship’s boys, all the while hiding the fact that Billy and Clara are girls. After five years and what seems like a life time the two girls identities are dicovered and they are put off the ship. Their first night on land they meet a mysterious man named Shadowlark who seems to know the two of them better than they know themselves. He tells them of a life they once lived that neither of them can remember. They are soon thrust into an epic battle with an immortal sea captain named Nate Grayheart, who will stop at nothing to kill all three of them.